Friday, 12 February 2021

Sell Your Damaged Vehicle With a Scrap Car Wrecker in Perth!

Sell your damaged vehicle to a car wrecker like us, and we will give you top dollar for your damaged car today. The function of a car wrecker is to dismantle an old or damaged vehicle. The usable parts are removed from the vehicle, and the rest of the metallic body is sold as scrap. So we see that the purpose of a car wrecker is to recycle a vehicle. We also buy top dollar for your damaged bus, and free a free bus removal service from us.

Recycling is a complex process as it requires recycling of functional parts, removal of hazardous materials, etc. Steps in this process are:

  1. An inventory of parts.
  2. Disassembly of wheels, tires, battery and catalytic converter.
  3. Removal of fluids such as engine coolant, oil transmission fluid, air conditioning refrigerant, gasoline, etc.
  4. Parts such as electronic modules, alternators, starters, etc., are sold to users if the condition is good. Otherwise, they are restored and sold.
  5. Hazardous materials, such as mercury and sodium azide, are removed.
  6. After all parts and products are removed, the vehicle's remaining shell is crushed into a cube or flat piece.
  7. It is then transported to a shredder where it is reduced in size.

After glass, plastic and rubber are removed, the metal mass is sold to steel mills for recycling. 

Some auto parts that are extensively recycled are: 

  • Auto fluids Auto parts and dealerships accept old fluids for recycling. 
  • Batteries They can be resold to the facility from which the new battery is purchased. 
  • Wheels and tires Tires are disassembled and repurposed into a variety of products. Wheels are melted as scrap. 
  • Plastic parts Parts such as dashboards, lights, bumpers, gas tanks are melted and reshaped into new parts. 
  • Mercury switches - Older cars have mercury switches. Mercury hurts the environment. Therefore, these switches should be removed before crushing the car. 

Since the whole purpose of wrecking is to recycle car parts, a car wrecker helps in preserving the environment. Environmental benefits of car wrecking: 

  • The steel scrap that is recycled is of large quantity. This dramatically reduces the impact on the earth when new steel is produced. 
  • The mercury and other hazardous materials are also recycled. This prevents them from polluting the planet.
  • Various fluids used in the car are reused, which is also beneficial as these oils do not pollute the environment.

Different parts are separated and sold on the market. This reduces the number of new parts that need to be manufactured. This helps in conserving our natural resources. Therefore, we see that the best way to sell an end-of-life car is to sell it to a car wrecker. This is where most of the parts are salvaged and reused.


Sell Your Damaged Vehicle With a Scrap Car Wrecker in Perth!

Sell your damaged vehicle to a car wrecker like us, and we will give you top dollar for your damaged car today. The function of a car wrecke...